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September 27

 "His Voice Today"

September 27

🔸️ A man with a pure heart is the Happy man! 🔸️

All Christians have the longing desire to be happy. But Jesus did say, "Blessed are the pure in heart" (Matthew 5:8). Another meaning for the word "blessed" is "hapiness". So the message what Jesus saying here is, "True happiness is born from pure holiness!" The reason why heaven is always a place of undiminishing joy is due to its perfect holiness! Any pleasure that is not holy is false. We actually need to say, "Lord! Make me unhappy if I am unclean!" That is what we should pray for. Otherwise, we are likely to be deceived and there is chance to get disappointed about our spiritual condition!

Many Christians today asking God to give them power in their lives. But if you ask for power without having an insatiable desire for holiness, now know that there is no balance like 'balancing scales' in your application. It is a great danger to ask for power without such a balance! When God places His power in the hands of an unclean man, it is more dangerous than a surgeon who used unsterile weapons! Thus what God gives will bring death instead of life. That is why God has not been able to give His unlimited power to many Christians today!


Our heavenly Father! Help me to live my life to the standard of "if I have no holiness in my heart, I have no happiness!" In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.


 Brother Zac Poonen

Translated version of the Tamil "Family Meditation Book".



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