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October 22

 "His Voice Today"

October 22

🔸️ Complete dedication is the Christian life! 🔸️

A Christian must have been "baptized in water" after he repented and was saved. Water baptism is equivalent to obtaining a marriage certificate. At the same time, you cannot become a married person, just because you have got the marriage certificate. Similarly, you cannot become "a Christian" if you are baptized in water only!

Yes, you can get a marriage certificate only after you are actually get married!! Similar to this, you can be baptized only after you have given yourself completely to Christ!! The testimony to declare while taking baptism is, "I put an end to my old life and accepted Jesus Christ as Lord in my life!".


Good husband and wife talking a lot with each other! In the same way, we can talk with Jesus..... by hearing His voice through meditating His Scriptures "every day"!! A good wife will never do anything that does not make her husband happy! No matter what she does, she wants to do along with her husband! A true Christian will not do anything that is not pleasing to Christ, such as "watching a movie that Jesus doesn't want to see"...! Yes, he will not do "anything" that he cannot do with Jesus Christ!!

This is an amazing life, full of wonders! Because, we live with the "best friend" that's not available to anyone in this World! We are never alone... because the Lord Jesus is with us always and everywhere! We can share our problems with Him and can ask His help in solving them.  

This life is the happy life! A life free from anxiety and fear! This life belongs to the one, who has dedicated his wholeness to the Lord!!


Our Heavenly Father! Similar to the husband and wife married life, help us to live the perfect life in which we can live in complete harmony with Christ! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.


 Brother Zac Poonen

Translated version of the Tamil "Family Meditation Book".



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