"His Voice Today"
January 06
🔸️ Seek for the Permanent Life! 🔸️
For one who has been saved and became a child of God, the things of Eternity are greater than those of this time! That is, the value of heavenly things are more important to him now than the value of Earthly things.
In our journey towards Eternal life, the world is only the 'gap' we are crossing. We are placed in this world for the purpose of 'qualifying exams.' Do we seek heavenly eternities in different circumstances of life? Or do we seek for Earthly things..... God is testing us now to see. If we are wise, we will chose the things that have value in Eternity!
A child would prefer a glossy paper than a 500 rupee note. Because this child has no knowledge to value it! If we desire for the Earthly things instead of heaven and Eternity, we are acting like this child!!
God has clearly told us in the Scriptures that "this world and everything in it will pass away." So for us to live on this Earthly temporary basis, is like saving our money in a Bank which is quickly becoming bankrupt! A wise man will save his money in a stable Bank. Likewise, the heavenly minded wise people will live for Eternity! Eternal values are our characteristics...holiness, love, goodness, forgiveness and humility! As we pass this Earth, only such qualities can carry with us!!
Because "it is appointed for people to die once and after this, judgment"
(Hebrews 9:27). Yes, this "one life" is the best way of life with Eternal purpose!
Heavenly Loving Father! Thank you again for making me realize that this "one and only life" is not for the illusion of the world, but it's for Eternal life! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Brother Zac Poonen
Translated version of the Tamil "Family Meditation Book".