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October 20

 "His Voice Today"

October 20

🔸️ T.V. Sermons should not fade our true faith! 🔸️

For the people of today, "physical comfort" is the predominant prayer petition rather than "overcoming sin"! For them, the body has become everything more than the soul!! The reason for this is the "preachers of today"! Today's "T.V. preachers" are doing more harm than good! The faithful warriors of earlier days had the longing desire and prayed, "what more can we give to God!" Today's non-standard faith has collapsed and rolled down in expecting "what more can we get from God!" For this non-standard faith "a lot of believers" are joining the church!! Because of this and their non-standard self-based prayers... in the end, the church with them also change into non-standard churches!! Ah, this is tragedy!!

We must raise the oppositions against this “false faith” that the T.V. preachers are rapidly sowing! Earlier, Martin Luther said, "By faith the righteous will live; today I stand on this battlefield!". He focused the preaching about the forgiveness of sins and righteousness through the blood of Jesus... That battlefield is now over!

Today, our battlefield must be against the corrupted false faith of "wealth, health and comfort by faith..."!!

Prayer is a powerful spiritual weapon... today it is somehow worn out and spoiled! But, group prayer... chain prayer... monthly prayer... yet, there are a lot of methods... plenty of 'defined prayers' like how to pray in different ways and means! Yes, today "disguise of devotion (prayer) has peculiar format! But, there is no power!!" (2 Timothy 3:5).

May God bless each and every one of us to change this situation and become mighty prayer warriors who will last forever "the kingdom, the power, and the glory" (Matthew 6:10)!


Our Heavenly Father! Your pure verses that desire to keep the "sincere faith" in us, polluted today through T.V. sermons and faded into "hypocritical faith"!! Save us from this deception! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.


 Brother Zac Poonen

Translated version of the Tamil "Family Meditation Book".



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