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November 21

 "His Voice Today"

November 21

🔸️ Need the Spirit of Christ that doesn't do evil in response! 🔸️

If our life is wholly dedicated to the reign of Christ, we would gladly refuse to do evil in response! We can meekly submit ourselves for the people, who want to harm us!! Because we know that "God has permitted them to do this."

Jesus had the same attitude during the sufferings of crucifixion. If He had wished, He could have had summoned 72000 angels with swords for His help. However, He refused to do so. He calmly gave Himself for the false accusation, scolding, beating and for crucifixion. Because Jesus had firm faith that "all these things were allowed by His Father."

Psalm 22:6 says that Jesus was treated like a worm during the trials at the judgement Court. He was thrown down like a worm and was trampled by human feet. If it could have done for a snake, it would have stood against and would have attacked! But no matter what you trample on a worm, it will never respond!! Yes, the spirit of the devil is active in the serpent. But in the action of a worm, the Son of God dwells!!

When people persecute or scolding us or trample our rights, any one of the above two spirits must be the action that reflects from us. Let's take a moment to think about the spirit that we have within us till now!

In situations like this, your dear friends and your wounded self will say, "You must not accept such bad insults," and "You must not leave anyone, who utters such disgusting insults!" But the Holy Spirit will show you the way of the Cross saying, "Don't do anything, don't say anything, for instead let me love Him through you!!"


Our loving Father! Give us the good heart not to do evil to those who have done evil to us; give us the grace to accept it with gentleness and love, like Jesus Christ! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.


 Brother Zac Poonen

Translated version of the Tamil "Family Meditation Book".



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