"His Voice Today"
November 23
🔸️ "Run away from sexual desire inducements!" 🔸️
Samson and David were drawn by Satan through sexual desire. This David defeated Goliath. But he could not conquer his own desire! Many of the Godly men who were strong enough, have fallen severely in this area.
Those who are careless or lack control over moral discipline in this area are more likely to fall prey to Satan's weapon. For example, look at today's fashionable clothes of women. The areas that God wanted to hide with cloth, are now reveals up for the public, in the name of “Designs”, exposing the hidden body parts!
God made it clear through Genesis 3:21, that the body of Adam and Eve should be clothed and well covered.
Satan has carefully planned through cinemas, advertising posters on both sides of the road, through News papers and magazines, which in the name of 'beauty models', are exposing the naked bodies; Satan has ensnared countless men into the trap of enslaving them to their lusts!
In these critical days, like Job it is necessary to keep our eyes “under the control of the covenant” and to control our desires! (Job 31:1). We must refuse to see or read anything that ‘ignites these despicable desires’. David had no such control, and that was why he sinned! (2 Samuel 11: 2).
It was only after David learned this bitter lesson, he prayed, "Lord, turn away my eyes from worthless things" (Psalm 119: 37). It is good for us to pray the same prayer!!
Our heavenly Father! In this world that filled with the fornication spirit, give us the pure heart to live 'strictly' like Job! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Brother Zac Poonen
Translated version of the Tamil "Family Meditation Book".
Lord Jesus Christ help me to guard myself strictly on a correct way of dressing