"His Voice Today"
December 8
🔸️ Those who love God and do good have no grumbling! 🔸️
God has the indescribable power to do all things for the goodness of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them (that is, those who have no ambition on Earth other than God's will in their lives) (Romans 8:28). Those who have a selfish motive for themselves, can never inherit this wonderful promise. But if we have fully accepted the will of God in our lives, we can claim this promise every minute of our lives on Earth!
Any good or evil that others accidentally or intentionally do to us, will pass through this filter of Romans 8:28 and reach us with a wonderful end! Thus one of the greatest benefits God has planned for us is that we will always be transformed into the likeness of Christ (Romans 8:29). For anyone who fulfills the conditions stated in this wonderful Verse, "this filter" will continue to do good every time!!
More than this, 1Peter 3:13 states very clearly "if we do good, no man can harm us." Unfortunately as like Romans 8:28 which is well known today, many of us are unaware of this wonderful Verse. However, this promise belongs only to those who have kept their hearts with full of goodness for all people. It is impossible for any devil or man to do harm to such a believer!
Therefore, whenever a Christian complaints that "others have wronged me," he implicitly agreeing that, "I do not love God! I am not called by God's will! I am not interested in doing good!" Otherwise, whatever others do for him would have turned to good! He has nothing to complain about!!
Our heavenly Father! We, who love you and doing good in Your way have no harm and nothing to complain! Give us the grace to continue this way! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Brother Zac Poonen
Translated version of the Tamil "Family Meditation Book".