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January 07

 "His Voice Today"

January 7

🔸️ Freedom from all evils! 🔸️

Our God is a very good God!  He does not want any harm to His children!!

Many people in this world suffer from the witchcraft and the black-magic done by others.  If you have dedicated your heart and life to the Saviour, Jesus Christ, such devilish deeds will never harm you!  When you call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to save you, the power of any witchcraft on you can be thrown out "within a moment"!

The Bible says that when Jesus died on the cross, He defeated Satan and peeled out Satan's power!  It is a stable  truth.  But, like the forgiveness of sins, Satan's defeat can never come true in your your life until you "accept"!!

Look at the Scriptures, which says "....through His death He might destroy the one holding the power of death, that is, the Devil and free those who were held in slavery all their lives by the fear of death."  

(Hebrews 2: 14,15). "Obey God;  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you!" 

(James 4:7)

God allows Satan to test us, even after we become the children of God.  Because, this is how we can get the strength.  We now have the Holy One who dwells within us, giving us the power to resist Satan and conquer all his attacks.  No more evil in this World will never defeat us!! It can never be!!


Merciful Heavenly Father!  

Blessed be to the name of Jesus Christ, for You sent Him to defeat Satan to triumph over the cross to set free not only those who were bound by evil, but also those who were afflicted with death! Amen.


Brother Zac Poonen

Translated version of the Tamil "Family Meditation Book".



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