"His Voice Today"
October 7
🔸️ Do not shed tears in front of people! 🔸️
When the Lord Jesus prayed, we read of His "sweat falling to the ground like drops of blood"! (Luke 22:44). Instead of showing our "tears" to any person while we are in distress, we would have the incomparable privilege of life, if we go to our 'regular' Gethsemane and shed tears to our "Father".
Though many persons stand around and telling us their consolation, what's the use? They are all rubbish! Ah, what a consolation it is to wipe away the tears with the finger of our Loving God!!
All that Jesus' tears shed in supplication was the mindset of "not my will; yours be done" in any difficult situation. He said, "My Father, if you are willing to do it, permit that I do not have to undergo these terrible things that are about to happen to me. But do not do what I want. Instead, do what you want.” (Luke 22:42). Sometimes, God could change circumstances! In some other times, without changing the circumstances, He will lead us into it! Whatever may be, doing the "will of the Father" is the main fervent desire of Jesus and His disciples! Their tearful prayer is that it's better to die rather than doing their "self-will" and losing their father's presence!!
When Jesus' soul was troubled, He didn't cry for His escape from that situation; Instead, He cried out, saying, "Father, glorify thy name!" (John 12: 27,28). So, He shed tears only for the fact that "the will of the Father" must be done and never shed tears for Himself! That is why when He saw women weeping for Him, He abruptly said, "Do not weep for me" (Luke 23:28). At the same time, He asked them, "Cry for yourself." Here again it is clear that He didn't tell the daughters of Jerusalem to weep for "self-pity." On the contrary, He showed the way of His 'Gethsemane experiences'... the way to pray and weep for the fulfillment of the Father's will in their lives and for the glorification of the Father's name!
Our Loving Father! You could see our tears and solve our heart's desire... Give us the grace not to shed tears for our 'self', but to do your will; In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Brother Zac Poonen
Translated version of the Tamil "Family Meditation Book".