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November 22

 "His Voice Today"

November 22

🔸️The way of the Cross, is the way of Victory!🔸️

There is a bright message on the other side of the Cross message! Yes, the Cross is not the end... It is also the path that leading into the resurrected life. For those who willingly accept the work of the Cross, "a joy is set before them" (Hebrews 12: 2). A kernel of wheat that fell to the ground, is "not in the same condition"... It sprouts and blossoms into a victorious life!! Even if a believer who has accepted the path of the Cross is misunderstood by others and going through a difficult path, in the end God will lift him up. Yes, the fruit-bearing life has been raging through dying for self!

For this, the life of Joseph is an example. The experience of being sold into slavery by his own brothers whom he loved, was a deadly bitter experience. The result of all of these....eventually he became the ruler of Egypt! Yes, God always honors those who honor Him (1 Samuel 2:30). He did it that day! He still doing it today!! As like Joseph, the honor that God gives is not always visible for public eyes. However, He does not miss to bestow the "Honor of divine value" and He crowns us!!

As per Hebrews 2:14 He destroyed the devil "by His own death"! If our Lord had overcome Satan by death, there would have been no other way than this for His disciples to defeat the devil! Many believe that Satan has been defeated, if they perform some miracles in Jesus' name. But Satan does not submissive to anything other than the only weapon, the Cross of Christ!

The path of the Cross alone is the foundation of the path of victory. Never fail to find out the ‘voice of the devil’ which sounds “avoid the way of the Cross” that comes either from our hearts or through others!


Our Heavenly Father! Give us the grace to follow the footsteps of Jesus, who defeated Satan through His death on the Cross and not to leave the way of the Cross forever! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.


 Brother Zac Poonen

Translated version of the Tamil "Family Meditation Book".



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