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November 26

 "His Voice Today"

November 26

🔸️ Only those who have treasure on Earth are worrying! 🔸️

"Don't worry!" When Lord Jesus said this advice, He related the verse "No one is able to serve two different bosses at the same time and hence, do not be anxious...."  

(Matthew 6: 24,25). For what reason people worry today? Yes, Jesus clearly taught that all anxieties are caused because of people's devotion to money. The whole mankind today is afflicted with the disease of anxiety for this one reason alone! But the sad news is that today even many Christians are worried too!!

These Christians still keep their treasures on Earth. If we have our treasure on our beloved child, we will surely worry for that child! If our treasure is on money, we will worry for money! If our treasure is on physical well-being, we will worry for that!! But Jesus came to this Earth, to save us from all these. Yes, the great salvation is the freedom from the grip of worldly things or the desire for money!!

Jesus looked at Zacchaeus and said, "Salvation has come to this house today" (Luke 19:9). From what Zacchaeus was saved? He was saved from the desire of money! In the case of his unjust money, he was willing to return the money and to reconcile wholeheartedly. Truly this Zacchaeus was saved when Jesus came to his house! So, let us all know the great truth that "all our anxieties are due to the serving of worldly things." Let's put our 'treasure' in Heaven and seek the highest!!


Our Heavenly Father! Give us the grace to seek only the heavenly treasures and to be freed from the Earthly anxieties! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.


 Brother Zac Poonen

Translated version of the Tamil "Family Meditation Book".



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